Kite Responsive Coming Soon HTML5 Template
Kite Coming Soon Responsive Bootstrap Template. Kite is a beautifully designed website template built using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap v3.1.1. The minimalist style will draw visitors in while your perfectly detailed and highlighted information will keep them on your site.
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Kite is a free Coming Soon HTML5 Template. Configuring Kite is very easy. Just upload the Template package in your hosting and you are done. You can customize each and every part of this Template with your own content.
Building a website takes time. But if you don't want to lose a single visitor than you can easily setup this Template. Configure mail collection and social media id to get in touch with your customers and visitors. Kite Coming Soon Template is w3c code validated and carefully designed with attention to the perspective details. This template will attract visitors very much. Fully featured and contains many features with minimal outlooks.
Customization is never been easier before. We have released for WordPress user. Kite is a modern, minimal, creative fully responsive Under Construction/Coming Soon Template that suits for any creative and business company/agency.
Kite has 4 background variations and 8 color schemes. Parallax effect also added with any kind of devices. Features Of Kite Free Responsive Coming Soon HTML5 Template: • 8 Color schemes • W3C validate HTML & CSS • Countdown • Ajax Subscribe and Contact Form(PHP file included for Development) • Well Structured and Commented code • Full screen and Parallax Background • Cross Browser • Built with Bootstrap v3.1.1 • Font Awesome.
Whether you are planning to redesign your website or launching a new one, it is never good to leave a blank page for your visitors to guess what’s there on your website. Under construction templates are a good option to tell your visitors that the site will be live soon. In this compilation we are presenting 20 Free Coming Soon Page / Under Construction HTML Web Templates. These free templates can be used during some technical errors, maintenance work or before the launch of your websites. All these templates are clean and made with the latest trends of web design. Go ahead and download them all!