Kitab Umdatul Ahkam Pdf

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The book, “Umdatul-Ahkaam”, is compiled by hadeeths only from the Saheehs of Imaam Bukhaaree and Imaam Muslim. The majority of the hadeeths in “Umdatul- Ahkaam” are Muttafaqoon ‘alayh (agreed upon): meaning that they are recorded by both Sheikhs, in their respectable Saheehs.

There are very few hadeeths in this book which are only reported by Imaam Bukhaaree or only by Imaam Muslim. Therefore, all the hadeeths of “Umdatul-Ahkaam” are authentic hadeeths. The book, “Umdatul-Ahkaam”, is also assigned in Saudi Arabia as a course of hadeeth for the first class in the intermediate school and Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (rahimahullah) has written a brief commentary on the narrations that is very beneficial for the seeker of knowledge. The book, “Umdatul-Ahkaam”, is compiled by Imaam, Aboo Muhammad `Abdul-Ghanee bin `Abdul-Waahid bin `Aalee ibn Suroor al-Jamma`ili al-Maqdisi ad- Dimashqee. Jamaa`ili in relation to Jamma`il which is a village in the mountains of Nablus from the land of Palestine.


Al-Maqdisi – the one who lived in al-Quds (Jerusalem), ad Dimashqi – then Damascus. • – Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee [Audio Series En] Audio Series by Dr. Saleh As-Saleh rahimahullaah: • ( 30+ MP3s) • (25+ MP3s) • (20+ Mp3s).