Installing Asterisk On Synology Support Forum

Hi - I recently lost about 2TB of data on my Synology NAS. Long story short, I ended up having to remove and re-add my volumewhich blew away my Sonarr install which had been running well for the past couple months. This morning I started the process of re-installing Sonarr and have run into a couple issues. I installed Mono and Sonarr from the synocommunity repo. Now when I look at Sonarr in the package center the status is Stopped, even after I’ve tried clicking run several times. At one point, it said running, but even then I couldn’t access the webpage (got ‘This webpage not available’ message).

So after a few tries I stopped the serviceand I can’t get it started again. Bios update msi p6ngm manual. Any ideas or pointers to setup instructions?

News, discussion, and community support for Synology network devices. More Synology Links. Synology Forums; Synology Wiki; created by Kryten107 a community for 8 years. Message the moderators. Changing config files on Synology (self.synology) submitted 3 years ago * by PeterRoar. Help Installing Plex on Synology DS218+ submitted 1 year ago * by Vinnyb1322 So the DS218+ just came out, all it's cousins and predecessors stated that they were compatible with Plex and had the app in the Package Center for Synology.

Zentrix deutsche filme. Here is the log file - looks like it registered each time I tried to start it.

Hi everbody, Synology has published a package to quickly install Asterisk on its Diskstation NAS systems - unfortunately, FreePBX so far has not been ported successfully onto those NASes. Anyone out there who can help how to add FreePBX to Synology’s Asterisk package (with 44.000 downloads of Diskstation users!!!) or install FreePBX+Asterisk together on the Diskstation?

FreePBX is so much easier to configure, even though I believe the GUI could be cleaned up a bit - this are partially still very confusing I am working on using a AVM Fritzbox Router as trunk to get my analog or ISDN phones as extensions and the PSTN ISDN connection as trunk for FreePBX. This way, you can even have Synology as your PBX for non-SIP phone lines. Thank you for your help in advance, Mick.