Camel Stationary Traveller Guitar Pro Tab
Tom: Years' (ie 1973-1977, but please don't flame me about it) are untranscribable due to my playing limitations and patience, but this piece is both beautiful and easy to play. The tabbing and notes here should help you playing it, hopefully with some friends playing with you, or, on the other hand, it could be helpful if you've got a synth guitar with a sequencer or just a 4/8 track tape. I've made a great mess when I tried putting all those tabs and chords, so I have divided the song into sections.
The complete chord sequence, with notes about the relevant sections, is written at the end. The chord sequence should help you play it throughout, and the messy part should help you play specific 'solos'. As usual, I'm transcribing organ solos into guitar tabs. I know it's ridiculous but maybe somebody can do something with it:-). I didn't bother tabbing all those Bass lines because Ferguson wasn't as consistent as he usually is on this song.:-) But it is easy to find the bass line as long as you know the chords, in this song anyway. I wish there would be more progressive rock stuff over the guitar tablature groups! Nonton drama braveness of the ming sub indo.
Camel - Stationary Traveller (Pro) 2.mid Musical Notes Distribution. Given a piece of music, it is interesting to count how many times each of the individual twelve musical notes is played, and understand their relative weight, or importance, in the piece.

I'll be doing my best (Slow Yourself Down is coming up next!) Before printing, consider that the file is arranged in 64 lines per page Have fun. Requests, questions, ideas, contributions, grateful thanks, kisses, pizza deliveries, flames, put-downs, cheer-ups, and corrections are all welcome at my e-mail: * Yours, Ofir -------------------------------- By Peter Bardens 1.
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