Drum Midi Files Metallica Ride
The Large Collection of Free Metal MIDI Files.
I saw a thread in the Custom Kits part of this forum and thought it would be fun to try to copy the drum sound on 'Sad But True' from the Black Album with SD2. That's always been my favorite Metallica drum sound. Huge snare drum. Here's a 1:00 demo I did of it, first with guitars/bass, then without.
I mixed the guitars a little low on purpose, and there are no 3rd party plugs on these drums, except for a tiny bit of limiting on the whole mix to prevent a few clips. It's not a loud mix. Not mastered. The guitars and bass were recorded direct with Waves GTR Solo.
Also, the ambient mics are kind of in a happy medium. The guitars sucked up a lot of ambient decay, but then I wanted the kit to be fun to play solo, but not be swimming in ambient mics.
The ambients could be a little louder in hindsight on the guitar mix. Then just the drums. I may go back to it and try to get the cymbals/hats to 'burn' a little more in the highs. It'd be easiest to just have cyms/drums in separate kits, but I wanted to share this and that'd be a pain in the ass!
Here's the SD2 preset if you want it. I went a little overboard with x-drums because it was REALLY hard to reproduce the room decay on the snare!! But in the end if I muted one, the tone thinned out too much for me. I guess the bummer is, it's not that easy to share, because not everyone goes bananas and buys every SD2 pack out there!
This kit loads with all the layer limits at 4-6, but the demo was bounced with them slammed to 99. Kits Used: Metal Foundry (whole kit - mostly close mics on drums) Allaire (tom ambients, snare ambients and close mics) Hit Factory (snare ambients) Evil Drums (snare ambs and close) Nashville (snare ambs and close). Thanks for this. However, I'm one package shy. Maybe you could post 20 or so more cool presets that will justify my purchase of another SDX Who are we kidding. I don't need any more justification, just some more cash so I can blow it.What SDX do you not have?
The meat and potatoes of the preset is mostly metal foundry close mics and allaire ambients. Music City rounds out the snare ambience a bit, evil drums warms up the snare mics and Hit Factory put the icing on the cake for the ambience. It's workable with just the MF and Allaire. Sounds great Scott! More presets with the same quality please.and using Avatar and Evil Drums I might consider doing some myself with Avatar and Evil Drums(installing it right now).I'm just not sure I have the same feel for it that you've got.Funny you should say. I'm working on Tool medley drum cover and Evil Drums is the base kit for that, with a little help from Avatar (maybe Allaire again. Love that room).
Figure it makes sense since Barresi produced them! I found through doing this that it's a great way to learn how to tweak in superior. Just keep going back and forth until you get it as close as you can! A couple more of these in different styles and I feel like I should be able to execute the kinds of sounds I want to get for original tunes. Awesome preset Scott!! Great demos too - such a professional you are!!
(I think that's how Yoda would say it)!! I downloaded your pre-set.
I have all those EZX's & SDX's so I feel quite fortunate to have your preset in all it's glory!! Btw, did you ever get a chance to try the Bonham Kit pre-set I made? I think you downloaded it? I feel pretty proud of that one although it might not be as good as you could probably make Have a great weekend! KimThanks, Kim!
To be honest, I downloaded your presets last week but haven't been on my v-drums until today. Ashamed to admit I programmed the Sad But True clip. Been playing more of my A-kit lately, which is ok by me! Ban ghost win xp 200 mb monthly data refreshers. I did get to play with your bonham preset today and I LOVED the snare! The way you blended those two was very natural and fun to play. I was a little confused about the ride cymbal situation though. How did you intend that mapping to go between the two rides?
That's one fun thing about these presets. Seldom to drum kits resemble each other exactly. Have you done anything else with your DW preset? Loving the toms and the snare, too bad i dont have the Evil sdx im doing a mike portnoy preset, but its getting really hard to get the toms right. Havent use any midi nodes to use ambient or that stuff yet, but can get a nice close mic sound for them, will apreciated some thoughts Thanks! What Portnoy album are you focusing on?

I really was only familiar with I&W, Awake and Change of Seasons. First two would be tough cause they're so processed. I'd be really interested to hear that preset. Please do so.and please do a version without Allaire too I've just started to play with the Evil Drums SDX tonight.It's just pure heaven! I love the sound of the toms and many of the presets are good right out of the box!Yeah. The evil drums are just so easy on the ears!