Wushu Pdf

By Jiang Bangjun & Emilio Alpanseque Publisher: Empire Books Year: 2007 Paperback 7 x 10 Language: English ISBN: 9312 Availability: NO STOCK! Book: Mastering WUSHU Finally a well produced instructional book that encompasses all fundamental skills, training principles and terminology of Wushu is available in a convenient single volume in English language. The book starts off with a foreword written by Coach Wu Bin, one of the most respected Wushu coaches around the world. After that, the first chapter does a great job narrating the complete history of Wushu in a way we believe has never been accomplished before. The second chapter covers all the most important Wushu basic skills and elementary movements divided in: Stretching and Flexibility Exercises, Hand Forms and Hand Techniques, Stances and Footwork, Basic Combinations, Balance Techniques, Jumping Techniques and Tumbling Techniques.

The third chapter meticulously covers a Basic Wushu Routine. Free wifi security. Lastly, a complete Glossary of Terms and a list of Bibliographical References have been added to the book. Order Online Shipping and Handling (for 1 book, 1 DVD or 1 book/DVD set) * Inside the United States: USPS Priority Mail Packages $5.05 2-3 Days Introductory Offer: FREE - You save $5.05 * To all other destinations: USPS Priority Mail International $16.00 6-10 Days Introductory Offer: $10.00 - You save $6.00 By purchasing products from this website you are agreeing that you have read, understand and agree with these terms: All sales are final. No returns unless defective. Customer responsible for all shipping charges.

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Book Price: US$24.95+S&H Book and DVD Price: US$49.90+S&H. By Jiang Bangjun & Emilio Alpanseque Publisher: EM3 Video Year: 2007 DVD 70 minutes Language: English ISBN: 9310 DVD is encoded ALL REGION - NTSC Make sure your DVD player can playback NTSC Availability: NO STOCK!

DVD: Mastering WUSHU This DVD includes a complete presentation of all the techniques and training principles presented in the book plus whole new sections on Advanced Warm-up Exercises, Advanced Conditioning and Strengthening Exercises, and a totally new and never before seen Advanced Competition Personal Routine by Jiang Bangjun. We believe that having both the book and the DVD is the best way to make use of this material. With the book, you can read the descriptions and look at the photographs, and on the other hand, with the DVD you can see an exact demonstration of the each exercise exactly how it should be done. It is a great advantage and definitely unprecedented in terms of the Wushu publications available today.

Whether you are a beginner, an experienced competitor or a coach, these two products are a must for your collection. Mastering WUSHU is your best step into Wushu excellence! Order Online Shipping and Handling (for 1 book, 1 DVD or 1 book/DVD set) * Inside the United States: USPS Priority Mail Packages $5.05 2-3 Days Introductory Offer: FREE - You save $5.05 * To all other destinations: USPS Priority Mail International $16.00 6-10 Days Introductory Offer: $10.00 - You save $6.00 By purchasing products from this website you are agreeing that you have read, understand and agree with these terms: All sales are final. No returns unless defective. Customer responsible for all shipping charges.