Samsung Sgh F480 Firmware Download
Since you wanted to know how to connect sgh f480 samsung phone you need to: • To get to the Wi-Fi application via the main menu, press the Menu button (either on the home screen or the hexagonal button beneath) • In the main menu, swipe your finger sideways to go through the menu pages until you see the Wi-Fi icon. Press to select. • The Wi-Fi application opens • Alternatively, to use the Wi-Fi Widget, from standby, press the home screen. The Widget toolbar opens up • Scroll down to find the Wi-Fi Widget icon. Press the Wi-Fi Widget. The Wi-Fi Widget will pop up on the main screen • Press the Wi-Fi Widget on the main part of the display to launch the Wi-Fi application. The Wi-Fi application opens • Once in the Wi-Fi screen, press the large Wi-Fi button in the middle of the screen to switch it on.
Wi-Fi is activated and the button switches blue • Press Search. Nearby Wi-Fi access points (APs) will appear small circles on the display, with their names next to them • Press the circle representing the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to.
Supercache 5 2 keygen software. To download the firmware for the Samsung Hugo Boss SGH-F480 you do not need to be registered on our site, we do it for free. Also on our site - has video instruction on the Firmware Samsung Hugo Boss SGH-F480, to read it, go to the desired menu.
An options panel appears • You can press Connect to connect to the network or press Add if you want to add it to a list of preferred networks for easy access later. • You are taken into a settings menu for the Wi-Fi access point. If the Wi-Fi access point requires a network key code, scroll down to the Network Key panel. Press to select. • The numberpad appears.
Type in the network key code and press Done. You are returned to the previous settings screen. • A list of Connections appears. Press the back arrow button.
• If you initially pressed Connect, the phone will connect to the selected Wi-Fi network and a confirmation message will appear. The display now shows the new connection, illustrated by blue dots linking the circles onscreen. • If you initially pressed Add, you will be returned to the Wi-Fi screen. Press the circle representing the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to. A pop up panel appears. • Press Connect. You will be connected and the connection illustrated onscreen.
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