As shown in the comments on the illustrations, there is no 'autosave' function in Word, however if manually saving the document is too onerous, see Automatically backup Word documents. This features an add-in configurable not only to remind you to save, but you can set it to perform the save at predetermined intervals. Orphaned Temporary Files - Applies to all versions When Word is opened, Word creates an assortment of hidden temporary files, in various locations on the hard drive. Open a document and more are created. Edit the document and there are even more. In the normal course of events, these files are closed when they are no longer required, but if Word crashes and is unable to recover, they may be left behind, where they can cause havoc, and in a worse case, prevent you from re-opening your document - even from re-starting Word. Much of this heartache can be avoided, if, following such a crash, measures are taken to put things right.
Before restarting Word! Windows Explorer is configured to hide hidden folders and system folders by default.
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C: Users Graham Mayor AppData Local Temp!!! Your folder locations will certainly be different. The batch file listing below is merely a guide. So CHECK that it addresses the correct files and folders on YOUR system BEFORE attempting to run it. Ptedit_addin Acronis Disk Director Suite 10 Bootable Iso Creator Free Action Mirillis Download Free Download Hey Arnold Runaway Bus By Nick Arcade.
Configure Explorer to display hidden files and the extensions of know file types. In Windows 7 this option is accessed from the Explorer menu. You cannot show protected operating system files from the ribbon. You may access the command from Windows > Start > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalisation > File Explorer Options, which will display the dialog shown in the previous section. Temporary Files Using Windows Explorer, the first place to look is the Windows temp folder, the location of which will be determined by the operating system, but it can be easily found by typing%temp% in the address bar of Windows Explorer and pressing Enter.
This same shortcut will work with Internet Explorer but not other browsers. You can safely delete everything in this folder.
Windows will not allow you to delete anything actually in use; however if Windows has locked the files, and certainly with Windows 95/98 if anyone is still using these old systems, you must reboot first to free the locked files. Given that the crash may have left the machine in an unstable condition, this is not a bad plan in any case.
Next step is to find the remaining problem files and delete them. Word creates temporary files in a variety of places.
Whereas these were fairly easy to locate with older operating systems, in Windows 7 at least they are somewhat more elusive as the standard search pattern of '~$*.do*' does not appear to locate them, so look in the following locations: 1. The User Templates folder - this is the folder defined in Word Options > File Locations > User Templates and is that folder that will contain the normal template. Word always creates a temporary file associated with the normal template. If you have not changed the preferred User Templates folder it can be located (in English language versions of Windows) by typing%appdata% Microsoft Templates in the Windows Explorer Address bar and pressing Enter. The document template.- Word no longer adheres so religiously to its template folder locations as did earlier versions.