Char Mugen Marvel Vs Capcom 2

Loading A Tier B Tier C Tier D Tier E Tier Character Tier Rating Assist Rating Best Assist Basic Tips A B β One of the best, but he needs an anti-air assist behind him and lots of meter. Learn to love AHVB. A B α The king of combos as speed. Learn triangle jumps, resets, his infinite and you can kill the opponent quicker than with any other character. A A γ Don't spend much time on the ground unless you're zoning with HP and Sentinel Force. Most time should be spent flying and stomping with an anti-air assist as backup. A B α Storm is, simply put, the best in the game.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 characters project (New MvC project in parallel) (Read 438423 times) Started by REDHOT, September 08, 2016, 04:02:55 am.

She's got great runaway and rushdown and so dictates the pace of the fight. Use Hailstorm to reset the fight in your favor. B A β His anti-air has great invincibility and sets up combos. On point, he's surprisingly good with solid runaway—super jump and rapidly tap j.HK. B C β He's got the best infinite combo in the game plus solid zoning techniques with his Smart Bombs.

Sql server 2005 ssmsee x64 msi soccer. Great air dash and his Proton Cannon is useful. B C α Spiral is the queen of chip damage. Summon swords, jump up and down, and toss the swords one by one at the opponent.

Her teleport is a phenomenal counter to Cable. B D β Paired with Doctor Doom, Strider rivals Spiral in his ability to chip opponents to death (hold them still with Ouroboros). Sadly, he takes the worst damage in the game and so dies easily. Geforce go 7300 drivers windows 7. Blackheart C A β Excellent as an assist, especially for traps. On point, super jump and throw out j.HK demons to be annoying and possibly start his infinite. Cammy C A α No slouch on point because of a great dash, though her best combos can be rolled out of.

Her anti-air assist has lots of invincibility and range. Dhalsim C D β You can runaway endlessly by super jumping, air dashing, teleporting, air dashing, teleporting. Quite annoying (and effective). His offense isn't bad. Doctor Doom C A β Used to be really effective on point with traps using j.HP and his Photon Shot in the air.

His anti-air assist deals loads of chip damage. Iceman C D α He doesn't take chip damage from energy-based attacks (which is most) so he's a good turtle, and his own Icebeam attacks deal good chip. Juggernaut C C β Activate Power Up and tag out Juggernaut before throwing another attack. Next time he's on point, the Power Up effect is permanent. Ruby Heart C C α Paired with Doctor Doom's anti-air assist, you can do lots of chip damage with repeated c.HK xx Sublimation. War Machine C C β Though he's similar to Iron Man, he's not as good. He's still got an infinite, which is good, but his hyper isn't nearly as good (it's not instant) and he's got other subtle inadequacies.

Akuma D B γ Quick air combos ending with HK Hurricane Kicks do surprisingly good damage and his air hyper combo ain't bad. Anakaris D E β Super jump and start dropping coffins from up high to be really annoying. Captain America D D γ Can be used somewhat annoyingly because a number of his attacks are hard to punish.

Char Mugen Marvel Vs Capcom 2

Captain Commando D A β Maybe the most devastating assist, his anti-air does solid damage and reaches the top of the screen. On point, he can hang, but barely.

Colossus D C α His dash assist is almost like an anti-air and does good damage. On point, he has some simple and powerful combos, but he's slow. Use his hyper armor lots. Gambit D E α Used to have the king of cheap bugs, but no longer.

Now he's just got solid priority and a decent hyper in his Cajun Explosion. Guile D C α Very easy combos that are decent in practice, plus a solid anti-air assist. His Flash Kick in the air is good against runaway. Hulk D D γ Easily combos into his Gamma Crush hyper for very good damage, but he's a big target for opponents. Hyper armor helps.

Jill D E β Litter the screen with zombies and dogs and Jill can be a bit annoying against lower tier characters. Jin D B β On point, he's decent at attacking the opponent's assists, but is best as an assist where his anti-air and eat health. Ken D B α His anti-air is the only true 'invincible' anti-air. Nothing beats it. Ken's decent on point with LK Hurricane Kick air combos. Bison D D β His Psycho Field is good both as a special attack and an assist as it'll keep the opponent blocking.