7 Days To Die Alpha 17
7 DAYS TO DIE (Alpha 17) SKILL POINTS CALCULATOR. Updated since B1-B8 Patch (Stable) Simple 7 Days to Die perks calculator you can ADD LEVEL (for gain SKILL POINT), distirbute its in Perks, and SHARE/SAVE build with url bellow.
Thanks to all. Everyone who paid for this game honestly has complaining rights and, bragging rights. Is it that so many of the most vocal, came to the game late? They don`t really know the progress this game has made over the years? There are soooo many games out there now and coming this year, don`t fret so much on things you can`t change by hating. Complain where the devs read.

As for raking in money, I think TFP already made their cash crop by now (50+million?) and they don`t actually have to continue. They update, players input. Everyone learns by mistakes yeah? I mean, how can anyone enjoy a game when they are so mad.
TFP owe us nothing. They made a game, we bought it. Ball`s in our court. I`ve been playing other stuff. Try Bethsda`s crappy servers for their 60 dollar game lol. At least this game has A16.4. Maybe start a new game?
There is nothing 'inside' this game that costs money, nothing that can`t be re acquired quickly in a new game. Played since A9 with over 10K hours into this game on this account alone, and I have to say, this is the worst Alpha ever on so many counts. About as stable as a drunk on a tightrope. Needs LOT of work yet, which is disappointing, given the time we waited for A17, and how enjoyable it was to play the game before this.
I am still trying to work out what exactly the Fun Pimps are thinking with this one. Hopefully, now the holidays are over, we may see some positive changes.
I sure hope so!